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本使用條款及細則適用於 Young Retirees 早退族(下稱「早退族」) 網站(下稱「本網站」)的所有用戶。


1. 本網站的服務範圍 / 內容


2. 使用條款變更


3. 網站更新


4. 使用本網站的行為操守


  • 擅自入侵、使用、訪問或試圖入侵、使用或訪問我們的伺服器的任何其他部份以及/或任何數據區;
  • 限制或阻止任何其他用戶使用及享用本網站;
  • 利用本網站以任何方式侵犯別人的知識產權;或侵犯本網站上其他用戶之私穩以獲取其身份或任何個人資料;或破壞本網站、物料及/或商品之任何部分;
  • 以任何方式意圖竄改任何網站材料或商品;
  • 張貼或傳送任何違法的、欺詐的、誹謗的、色情的、淫褻的、褻瀆的、不雅的、具有恐嚇成份的、污穢的、敵意的、仇視的或其他不良或不合情理的資料,包括但不限於任何構成或鼓勵傳送的行徑,其會構成刑事罪行者,或產生民事責任者,又或觸犯任何地方、州、國家或涉外法例者,或侵犯其他人士的任何知識產權、專有權利或保密責任者;
  • 張貼或傳送任何廣告、招攬訊息、連鎖信、層壓式推銷計劃、投資機會或計劃或其他不請自來的商業通訊,或作出任何大型的廣告宣傳;
  • 張貼或傳送含有病毒、特洛伊木馬、電腦蟲或其他有害元件的任何資料或軟件;以任何方式干擾本網站的運營,包括但不限於傳輸軟件病毒,或者傳輸專門用來中斷、干擾或改變本網站運營的任何計算機代碼或消息;
  • 利用網站或其他方式收集本網站其他用戶的資料;
  • 未經早退族書面批准﹙除非早退族在本網站中另有訂明,或另外給予特許﹚而張貼、發佈、傳送、複製、分發、翻版、翻印、售賣、轉售或以其他方式利用從本網站獲得的任何資料作商業用途;
  • 未經早退族書面批准﹙除非早退族在本網站中另有訂明,或另外給予特許﹚而上載、張貼、發佈、傳送、複製或以其他方式分發本網站任何元件或通過本網站取得的任何受版權或其他專利權保障的資料,或創立衍生作品;
  • 以任何方式散佈、公佈、傳播、修訂、展示、銷售本網站之內容或產品或從其中創造衍生性作品或對之加以利用;
  • 未經早退族書面批准,為任何公共或商業目的銷售或更改網站材料,或者複製、重製、再版、上載、下載、登載、傳送、顯示、公開執行或以任何方式發送網站材料,或將材料儲存在檢索系統內,或以其他任何方式使用網站材料。


5. 網站材料


6. 第三者資料



7. 促銷活動


8. 連結網站

  • 本網站或許載有通往由第三方所運營的其他網址或網站的超連結,對該等網站的內容及其處理閣下個人資料的方法,本公司並沒有任何控制權;
  • 對其他網址或網站的超連結,不代表早退族認可或推薦該等網站或當中所提供的資料、產品、廣告或其他材料;
  • 閣下應詳閱該等連結網站之使用條款及細則,明白並同意對該等連結網站所提供的資料是否準確,以及閣下在該等連結網站所蒙受的任何損失或損害,早退族概不負責。

9. 嵌入式內容


10. 知識產權

  • 本網站所存在的一切知識產權,包括内容、產品設計(包括任何及所有相關的附屬材料)均屬早退族及其授權者所有,或已合法地特許給早退族在本網站上使用。由適用法例所授予的一切權利,茲在此予以保留;
  • 儘管閣下可從本網站下載或印制網站材料,僅供作個人非營利性目的的使用,但該等網站材料,仍屬早退族所有,除非本司另有訂明;
  • 閣下同意,早退族可自由使用、披露、採用及修改閣下就本網站向我們提供的一切及任何構思、概念、專門知識、建議、提議、評論及其他通訊及資料﹙「反饋」﹚,而無須向閣下支付任何費用。閣下茲放棄及同意放棄就本司使用、披露、採用及/或修改閣下的任何或一切反饋,提出任何關於代價、費用、專利權費、收費及/或其他付款的一切及任何權利及提出申索。

11. 免責聲明

  • 網站材料僅供閣下作一般性參考,或作早退族另外特許用途。對網站材料,早退族概不承擔任何責任。
  • 閣下瀏覽及使用本網站時,應由閣下自負其風險。網站材料是按原貌,沒有增添或刪減而提供。本網站只供閣下個人使用,我們不作出任何種類的明示或默示陳述或保證,包括但不只限於用本網站所宣傳或買賣的產品,或任何適銷保證或適合作任何特定用途。本網站提及任何第三者產品、資訊或服務,並不構成或暗示我們作出任何種類的認可或推薦。
  • 在不限制該等使用條款訂明的免責聲明外,在任何情況下,我們對任何人擅自使用本網站或違反本網站保安程序所招致的任何成本、損害賠償或責任概不負責。
  • 對下述各項,早退族並不給予保證或承擔責任,而閣下確認早退族並無作出陳述或保證:
    • 本網站的材料均屬準確、充份、現行或可靠,或網站材料可供的用途超出一般參考用途或早退族另外特許的用途;
    • 本網站的材料,並無任何缺陷、錯誤、遺漏、病毒等,可能改變、抹除、增加或損壞閣下的軟件、數據或設備;
    • 通過互聯網發送的訊息,不受到攔截、破壞或沒有遺失;
    • 本網站的缺陷將可糾正;
    • 早退族不作出任何和所有默示性和非明示性的保證、並且不保證本網站或素材的正確性、可靠性、完整性或及時性;
    • 早退族對其他網站的內容以及本網站上刊載的或與本網站連接的任何事物,包括但不限於任何謬見、錯誤、遺漏、侵權、譭謗、謊言、或者其他可能是犯法或會引起權利主張或投訴的材料或遺漏不承擔任何責任;
    • 使用本網站和連結網站的材料的後果由閣下自負;
    • 該等網站可能隨時或定期會有變動,請不時查閱有關的材料;
    • 早退族不保證以下事項:本網站目前或今後任何時候毫無錯誤,本網站及其服務器目前或今後任何時候沒有電腦病毒或其他有害機能,任何缺陷會被糾正,或者本網站的運作是及時、安全和不會中斷的;
    • 如果由於你使用該等網站材料,導致需要修理或更換設備或數據,早退族不負責任何由此而產生的費用;
    • 凡由於使用或無法使用本網站或材料,或任何執行失敗、錯誤、遺漏、中斷、刪除、缺陷、操作或傳送的延誤、電腦病毒、通訊線路失靈、線上通訊的攔截、軟件或硬體問題(包括但不限於丟失數據或相容性問題)、偷竊、網站的破壞或改變所引起的,無論是因使用本網站或向本網 站上載或從本網站下載或出版數據、文字、圖像或其他材料或資料而直接或間接造成的違約、侵權行為、疏忽或任何其他因素所引起的任何種類損害或傷害(包括但不限於意外損害、間接損害、利潤的損失、或者因失去數據或業務被中斷所造成的損害),且無論早退族是否已被告知此種損害的可能性,早退族或在本網站上提及的任何第三方在法律允許的範圍內不應承擔任何責任;
  • 在任何情況下,因使用或未能使用本網站,或本網站或網站材料有任何錯誤或遺漏,以致閣下或任何其他人士蒙受任何直接的、間接的、附帶的、特殊的、懲罰性的或從屬的損害賠償,包括失去業務或利潤,即使我們已獲悉有可能出現該等損害賠償,我們無須向閣下或任何其他人士承擔責任﹙不論是根據侵權法或合約等﹚;
  • 閣下在使用本網站或使用或解釋網站材料上,須行使及完全依賴本身的技能和判斷力。閣下須確保,在使用本網站及網站材料時,符合一切適用的法律規定;
  • 該等條款所載的有限責任條文,至法律允許的最大限度上將告適用。

12. 阻止使用

  • 雖然我們已盡商業上合理的努力,每日廿四﹙24﹚小時讓用戶使用本網站,但我們不保證閣下一定可使用本網站,而閣下亦確認,我們並未作出陳述或保證本網站必定可供使用。閣下必須就本身的硬件、軟件及設施承擔責任,我們並不保證本網站與閣下的系統兼容。
  • 早退族保留權利暫停本網站以提升或修改本網站;
  • 早退族保留權利限制閣下使用本網站,若我們認為有此合理需要以運作本網站;
  • 若因本網站暫停使用,或閣下被限制使用本網站,以致閣下蒙受任何損失或損害,早退族無須負責。
  • 閣下謹此承認對本網站內容未經授權的使用可能給早退族造成難以彌補的損害,故若發生未經授權的使用,早退族有權在可能獲得的任何普通法下或平衡法下的其他救濟之外申請禁制令。

13. 索賠事項


14. 私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明


15. 適用法律及管轄權


16. 一般條款

  • 如根據任何司法權地區法例,該等條款有任何條文違法、失效、部份失效或不可強制執行,不得影響任何其他司法權地區法例賦予該等條文的合法性、效力或可強制執行性,或不影響任何其他條文的合法性、效力或可強制執行性;
  • 如該等條款遭違反,而早退族放棄追究責任,不得視為該等條款再遭違反本司亦會放棄追究責任。該等條款所用的標題,只為方便參考,不得影響該等條款的詮釋

Terms of use & Conditions

These Terms of use and Conditions are applicable to all users who visit the website of Young Retirees 早退族. (Young Retirees): (“this website”).

Please read the following terms of use of this Website (“these Terms of Use”) carefully before using this website. Your visit of this Website means that you have accepted these Terms of Use. If you are not willing to be bound by these Terms of Use, please do not visit this Website. “You”, “your”, “users” and “members” refer to any person and/or entity that accesses this Website for any reason.

1. Description of services and contents provided by this website

This website provides information about retirement and personal financial management.

2. Change of Terms of Use

Young Retirees reserves the right to change, modify or delete contents of these Terms of Use at any time and has the right to unilaterally change these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion without notice or liability to you. You should regularly visit this Website to find out whether these Terms of Use that are binding on you have been revised. By continuing using this Website following such modifications to the Terms of Use, you agree to be bound by such modifications.

3. Website Updates

Young Retirees reserves the right to update, amend or remove material from this Website at our sole discretion and at any time, without prior notice to you, or alter the presentation, substance, or functionality of this Website.

4. User Conducts on this Website

As a condition of your use of this Website, you may not:

  • trespass, break into, access, use or attempt to trespass, break into, access or use any other parts of our servers, and/or any data areas for which you have not been authorized by us;
  • restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying this Website;
  • in any way, infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person or invade the privacy of other users or acquire their identities or any other personal information, or damage any part of this Website, the Materials and/or products provided in this Website;
  • in any way, change any Materials or product provided in this Website;
  • post or transmit any unlawful, fraudulent, libellous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive, or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable information of any kind, including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or foreign law, infringe any intellectual property right, proprietary rights or confidentiality obligations of others;
  • post or transmit any advertisements, solicitations, chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or schemes or other unsolicited commercial communication, or engage in spamming or flooding;
  • post or transmit any information or software which contains a virus, trojan horse, worm or other harmful component; interfere with the operation of this Website in any way, including but not limited to, transmitting software viruses or transmitting any computer code or message designed to shut down, interfere with or change the operation of this Website;
  • use this Website or other methods to collect other users’ information;
  • post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute, copy, print, sale, resale or in any way exploit any Website Material obtained through this Website for commercial purposes without Young Retirees prior written permission (unless otherwise specified by Young Retirees in this Website or pursuant to separate license granted by us);
  • upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, or distribute in any way, any component of this Website itself or any Website Material obtained through this Website which is protected by copyright, or other proprietary right, or create derivative works with respect thereto, without our prior written permission (unless otherwise specified by us in this Website or pursuant to separate license granted by Young Retirees);
  • in any way, disseminate, announce, spread, revise, display or sell any of the contents of or the products described in this Website, or any derivative works based on them, or use such works;
  • sell or modify the Materials, copy, reproduce, re-issue, upload, download, publish, transmit, display, publicly implement, issue the Materials in any way, store the Materials in the retrieval system or use it in any other way for any public or commercial purpose without any prior written permission from Young Retirees;

You have no rights in or to the Information and you will not use the Information, except as permitted under these Terms of Use and/or in accordance with separate license granted by Young Retirees.

5. Website Material

This Website provides tangible or intangible information, data, content, diagrams, images, music, symbols, graphic button, links, HTML code, trademark, software, photos, pictures, videos, audios and other materials and items, (collectively, the “Website Materials”). If Young Retirees agree to grant you access to this Website such access shall be a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to access this Website in accordance with these Terms of Use. All Website Materials are protected by copyright law, trademark law and other applicable laws. All Website Materials are the exclusive property of Young Retirees or website contents provider of Young Retirees or its clients.

Unauthorized use of any Website Materials is an infringing act under the copyright law, the trademark law or other applicable laws. If you make any copy of the Website Materials, you must retain the notice of copyright, trademark, service logo or other exclusive rights as used in the original copy.

6. Third Party Information

The Website Material may contain information provided by third parties or sourced by Young Retirees from business sources and other references or sources.

We are not responsible if any Website Materials is not up-to-date. We do not separately verify the Website Materials provided by such third party or agency and you are cautioned thus to the reliability and accuracy of the Information accordingly. We do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of any such Website Materials. Any use of and reliance of such Website Materials is at your own risk.

7. Promotional activities

Young Retirees will carry out promotional activities on this Website regularly. If the promotional activities involve gaining or accumulating reward points or other rewards, Young Retirees will be the final arbitrator of the total number of reward points awarded according to its records and you shall not dispute such decision.

8. Website Links

  • This Website may contain links to other sites and pages which are operated by third parties. We have no control over the content of the linked websites or the way in which the operators of those websites deal with your Personal Data;
  • Links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by us of such websites or the Information, products, advertising or other materials available on those websites;
  • You should review the terms and conditions for those website links and we disclaim all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage that may be suffered by you in connection with the linked websites. Links on this Website may take you to other sites and you acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of any Website Material provided by linked websites.

9. Embedded Content

Embedded content (including embedded text, image, audio and video) on this Website that is identified with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Sina Weibo and Instagram are embedded from third party hosted sites. Embedded content is subject to the license terms of the location at which such content is hosted or the license terms imposed by the owner of such content. Embedded content may be used or linked to only in accordance with the terms of the relevant license. You are liable for any consequences of failure to comply with those license terms.

10. Intellectual Property Right

  • All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of this Website, including all contents, product design (including any and all related supplementary material) belong to Young Retirees or have been lawfully licensed to us for use on this Website. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved;
  • When you may download or print material from this Website for your personal which is non-commercial use, it remains the property of Young Retirees, unless otherwise stipulated;
  • You agree that Young Retirees could freely use, disclose, adopt and modify all and any ideas, concepts, knowledge, proposals, suggestions, comments and other communications and information provided by you to us (“Feedback”) in connection with this Website without any payment to you. You hereby waive and agree to waive all and any rights and claims for any consideration, fees, royalties, charges and/or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any or all of your Feedback.

11. Limitation of Liability and Warranty

  • All Website Materials are for your general reference or use pursuant to any license separately granted by us only. Young Retirees do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of such Website Materials;
  • Your access to and use of our website is at your sole risk and is provided “as is”, “as available”. This website is for your personal use only and we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, any products advertised, bought or sold using this website or any warranties on merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Reference in this website to any third party products, events or services do not constitute or imply our endorsement or recommendation of any kind;
  • Without limiting any exclusion specifically provided for in these Terms of Use, we shall in no event be liable for any costs, damages or liability for any unauthorized use of this Website or breach of security relating to this Website;
  • We do not guarantee or assume any responsibility that and you acknowledge that we make no representation or warranty, that:
    • the Materials on this Website is accurate, adequate, current or reliable, or may be used for any purpose other than for general reference or as specified in any separate license granted by us;
    • the Materials on this Website is free of defect, error, omission, virus or anything which may change, erase, add to or damage your software, data or equipment;
    • messages sent through the internet will be free from interception, corruption or loss;
    • defects in this Website will be corrected;
    • Young Retirees does not give any implied or non-expressed guarantee and does not guarantee the correctness, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any Material of this Website;
    • Young Retirees does not accept any liability for the contents of other websites or anything uploaded on this Website or linked to this Website, including but not limited to any fallacies, errors, omissions, infringements, libel, lies or any other material or omission that is likely to be illegal or gives rise to a claim or complaint;
    • You will be responsible for any consequences resulting from use of this Website or its website links;
    • These websites are likely to update at any time or periodically, so please check related materials regularly;
    • Young Retirees does not guarantee the following: this Website will be totally free of errors currently and in the future, this Website and its server will always be free of computer viruses or other harmful function, that any defects will be corrected or that this Website is no delay, safe and will not be discontinued;
    • If your use of these Website Materials results in the need to repair or renew equipment or data, Young Retirees accepts no liability for any resulting expenses;
    • For any damage or injury, regardless of direct or indirect breach of contract, infringement, negligence or any factor (including but not limited to, accidental damage, indirect damage, loss of profit, or damage resulting from the loss of data or business termination), arising from use or inability to use the materials of these websites, or implementation failure, error, omission, discontinuation, deletion, shortcoming, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication cable malfunction, interception of online communication, soft or hardware problems (including but not only loss of data or compatibility problems), theft or resulting from damage or changes to the websites whether or not a result of the use of this Website or uploading or downloading of this Website’s data, text, images or other materials or data, and regardless of whether Young Retirees has been notified of the likelihood of such damage, Young Retirees and any third party mentioned on this Website shall not, within the legally allowed scope, bear any liability;
  • In no event shall we be liable (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of business or profit, arising out of any use, or inability to use, errors or omission in this Website or the Information, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages;
  • You will exercise and rely solely on your own skill and judgment in your use of this Website and use and interpretation of the Information. You are responsible to ensure that your use of this Website and the Information complies with all applicable legal requirements;
  • The limitation of liability contained in these Terms of Use will apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws.

12. Prohibition of Access

  • While we shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide users with access to this Website 24 hours per day, we cannot guarantee your access and you should acknowledge that we make no representation or warranty that this Website will be available. You are responsible for your own hardware, software and facilities and we cannot guarantee compatibility of this Website with your systems;
  • Young Retirees reserves the rights to temporarily suspend this Website to update or modify this Website;
  • Young Retirees reserves the rights to restrict your access to and use of this Website where we consider it reasonably necessary for the operation of this Website;
  • We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage you may be affected as a result of any such suspension, restriction or prohibition;
  • You agree that your unauthorized use of the contents of this Website may result in irredeemable losses to Young Retirees and in the event of your unauthorized use, Young Retirees has the right to apply for a restraining order in addition to any other remedies under common law or equity.

13. Indemnity

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Young Retirees and its affiliates, related companies, associated companies, our employees, agents, officers, directors, contractors, suppliers and other representatives or other partners harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, actions, costs and expenditure (including reasonable legal costs and expenditure), in connection with or arising from your breach of these Terms of Use and/or your use of this Website. We may, if necessary, participate in the defense of any claim or action and any negotiations for settlement. You will not make any settlement that may adversely affect our rights or obligations without our prior written approval. We reserve the right, at our own expenses and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defense and control of any claims or actions. You agree to indemnify Young Retirees against any of your unauthorized use of any Website Material from this Website, defend Young Retirees and prevent Young Retirees from any harm.

14. Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement

For information about our privacy policies and practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement.

15. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be interpreted according to the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and be governed by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Court. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts for any disagreement, dispute or claim between Young Retirees and you.

16. General terms

  • The illegality, invalidity, partial invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of these Terms of Use under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability under the laws of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision;
  • No waiver of any breach under these Terms of Use will amount to a waiver of any other breach. The headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.